
All “Licensed” amateurs are welcome to participate in our Nets!


146.715 MHz  (-), PL tone 156.7     Seaford, DE   “N3KNT”

145.210 MHz (-), PL Tone 156.7     Seaford, DE   “W3TBG”

The 145.210 repeater is also capable  of running Digital Signals as well as the Fusion Radio System – Wires-X! This will allow you to make contacts around the world all on a 2 Meter radio.  Nanticoke is a friendly club & we welcome everyone from the “complete novice” to the Amateur Extras with a lot of knowledge & experience. Check us out!

Yaesu FTM-400
Yaesu FTM-400XD

Special Note of Thanks goes out to Icom and Yaesu for granting permission to use pictures of their equipment on our site!

Notice: This site is not complete and is under construction.  Addition pages and information is coming!  Thanks

Area "Nets" - Nets are like an "On the Air" Meeting!

Nanticoke ARC Net:   Mondays @ 8:00 PM       146.715 MHz (-)  PL 156.7

Delaware Digital Net: Mondays @ 8:30 PM   145.210 MHz (-)   PL 156.7  C4FM @ Room # 43817

State Simplex Freq.  (When Needed)  FM  146.550

Delaware Emerg. Net: Monday – Saturday  6:30 PM Summer / 5:30 during Winter)  HF   3.905 MHz  Lower Side Band

Delmarva Emerg. Net: Sunday @ 6:30 PM Summer / 5:30 PM Winter  HF  3.905 MHz  Lower Side Band

Who & WHAT is a ham radio operator?

A Ham Radio Operator or Amateur Radio Operator is an individual who has passed FCC tests & was granted a license to operate a radio. What frequencies you are granted permission to use depends on what class license was granted. Operators use equipment to engage in 2-way communications with other operators in various methods, such as Voice, Morse Code, Digital and so on.

The use frequencies assigned to the Amateur Radio Service by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States and the International Telecommunications Union worldwide.  These operators are known as Radio Amateurs or Hams, as  a nickname.

The role of Amateur Radio today!

Most use Amateur Radios for pleasure, friendships, and a general exchange of information.  Some enjoy operating on a local level, while others communicate with people worldwide.

They can also play an important role during times of disasters. When normal communications go down or disrupted, the Ham Radios can still be used to exchange condition reports and information.

Monthly Club Meeting

Meetings are held the third Saturday every month @ 9:00 AM.


(Map on Contact Page)

TidalHealth Nanticoke Hospital

Training Center Building

121 South Front Street

Seaford, DE   19973