
Icom ID-52

Membership Dues

Membership is open to “Licensed” and “Unlicensed” people interested in the Amateur Radio hobby. You need to be licensed to operate a radio.  If you are just starting out, we will assist you in getting your license.  

Our dues run through the calendar year from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.  Dues must be paid to be considered a member in good standing.

Dues are $20.00 per year and may be paid in person or by mail.


Icom ID-52

Big question many ask.....

                                                                                  Where and How Do I Start?

Some people start at the very beginning by getting into SWL – Short Wave Listening. They get a radio able to tune into the Amateur Bands and listen to broadcasts from all over the world. You can listen without a license, but you cannot transmit / communicate with others.

If you want to go to the next level and get a microphone you will need to get your license.  You need that license to operate & communicate via a Ham Radio legally. This license is granted by the FCC after you take and pass a short multi-choice test. Attend one of our monthly meetings and we can explain the complete process to you.

There are three levels of license:

  1. Technician – Entry Level – Full use of the VHF / UHF Bands and specific  frequencies on the HF Band.
  2. General – Mid-Level – All Tech Rights + Significant HF Band use.
  3. Extra – Full use of all Amateur Radio Frequencies!